Sunday, June 1, 2008

Good Night and Good Luck

Dear Lucian,

I'm writing to you from the royal city of Fallo. It looks like we will be here for a while, and I think I'm glad for that. On our way here, we stopped in the City of Night Falls. It's just as the stories tell it to be. The whole town is devoted to the business of death and burial. The graveyard there is as nice as any I have ever seen, and even after all these years of use, still so empty. It's not hard to see why it is a popular place.
A priest named Arathex had been entombed there long ago, and it was rumored that when he died, his spirit was possessed with a great evil. I'm unsure if you've heard the story or not, but I will spare you the details save to say that the rumor was true. Shortly after we arrived at Night Falls, the wraith was set free, and my party and I were asked to seal him away once more. We did one better and destroyed him all together, but not before he touched me. I know you know how awful that feels. I had only heard others talk about it, and now I know what they were talking about. I hope to never feel such a terrible thing again, though I suppose that's a lot to ask when one is a cleric of Pelor.
On our way from Night Falls to Fallo, we saved a young woman named Katala, who is the Marchioness of somewhere. It escapes me at the moment. Her carriage was ambushed by a gang of wayward rangers. Since the fight resulted in the death of most of her escorts, we were asked to help take her the rest of the way to Fallo.
Last night I also had a talk with the head of our party, Rowan Liadon. I think you two must know each other. She claims to have met you when she was in Miel with her old party. Did you know that she and Potter fell in love with each other? It all seems very sad to me. However, Rowan has promised to return to Miel with me when this mission is over. I'm very excited for her, and I think I'll be glad to have the company on the road home. She also told me that her old party had a cleric of Pelor who was also a gnome, and also an orphan. If you have indeed met Rowan, then perhaps you met him as well? Rowan said he died defending the temple in Brindinsford. I would have liked to have met him.
Ah, look at me, going on about nothing! I know you must be busy, and haven't the time to read page after page of my foolish thoughts. Talking with Rowan about Miel made me a little homesick, though I am enjoying myself so far. I look forward to returning home and seeing you again. I'll keep you in my prayers, as always, and hope you are well. I'll write again when I get the chance.

With Pelor's grace,

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