Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The Fortune is in The Telling

Dear Lucian,

Today is my first real day in Fallo, but there doesn't seem to be much room in our schedule for sightseeing. We need to focus all our efforts on finding this Daystar fellow for Kartharine. So we set out around town to ask if anyone had seen him, or knew where he might have gone.
Before we really got going, however, we decided to visit the Royal Temple and collect our reward for escorting Marchioness Kitala to her mother. While we were there, we were given a tour of the temple, and had some of its history explained to us. As you probably remember, the Royal Temple serves no god in particular, yet it still has clerics. It is almost unfathomable to me how someone could serve no god directly, yet still be granted divine magic. I wonder exactly how that works?
In our wanderings after leaving the temple, Rowan and I split off from the group, and we were able to discover a few pieces in the puzzle of what happened to our man. As it turns out, shortly before he disappeared, he was accused of murder, and arrested. He also apparently sought a book from a private collection. I'm unsure as to whether or not he managed to acquire it before his arrest.
As we were making our way back to our inn, Rowan and I were stopped by a woman wanting to tell our fortunes. I'm never sure how much stock to put in these sorts of things, but she seemed to know quite a few things from simply looking at my palm. She told Rowan that the man we are seeking is alive and to the south, and that what he sought was simply the tip of something much larger, something that could start a great war.
Against my better judgment, I asked her if she could tell me anything about my real parents. I know it does no good to dwell on things that are long since past, but you know I have always been curious as to what brought me to you in the first place. My answer was quite vague, but the fortune teller seemed to think that my family was bad and it was a good thing that I had been removed from them, and that I shouldn't dwell on what might have been. There is, apparently, more to a person than their family. Still, I just can't help but wonder what exactly happened to them, and who exactly they were. Maybe some day Pelor will see fit to show me the answers that I seek. Until then, I am glad with what he has given me up to this point.
At the moment, Rowan and I are waiting for the rest of our party to return. I am hoping they have come up with more information that we have. We are scheduled to meet with some of Kartharine's friends for dinner tonight, and maybe they will be able to help us discover more.
It looks like our companions are starting to return, so I had better finish up. I hope all is well at home. I miss you and keep you in my prayers always. I promise to write again as soon as possible. Please take care until then.

With Pelor's grace,


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